
Shriek is a tall biped mutation with a very large mouth. It's called shriek because it often lets out an ear bleeding shriek, temporarily stunning any players within range of it.

The Witch

The witch is a floating mutation that has great mobility and speed. Because they do not have legs, they simply 'float' over most terrain and obstacles, and are extremely quiet.

The Crawler

The crawler is a mutation with extremely long arms. They are often seen moving around similar to a gorilla using their long arms as a second set of legs.


Stumpy is a mutation that has extremely short legs. Because of this, they use their hands for most of their mobility. They aren't very fast, but since they use their arms so much, they are extremely strong.


Blades is a mutation that had it's hands and feet replaced with sharp metal appendages. It's mildly quick but extremely deadly if you get within range of it's legs or arms.


Beverly is an extremely obese mutation with razor sharp claws. Because of her size she is slow, but she is extremely deadly at close range because of her sharp claws.

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