The Mansion

The mansion is a large compound that housed many of the research companies scientists and research teams. It contains several small buildings on it's ground as well as the main housing structure and some interconnected tunnels between them.

The Sewers

The sewers are a maze of pipes, tunnels and tight corridors. The sewers were quarantined years ago due to hazardous conditions, but the research company still uses them for it's private research. Their continued usage is unknown to the public, and as far as everyone knows they are still abandoned.

The Hospital

The hospital is a secluded hospital in an unknown location. It was built in a remote location by the research company as a front for their operations. The hospital has been neglected for years, so parts of it are damaged and decaying.

The Woods

The woods are a dark and damp place. They are secluded and connect to hospital to the main power plant of the research complex. There are several buildings and structures in the woods that were used for various testing and research.

The Power Plant

The power plant is a location that provides power to all of the research complex. This is an old turn of the century nuclear power plant that was abandoned at one time, but resurfaced and purchased by the research company to power the operations in secrecy.

The Research Facility

This is the main complex where much of the research was done, and where the Awoken come from. Prior to the outbreak, it was a large state of the art facility with lots of machinery and research vessels. Since the outbreak, it's gone into disrepair with many of the machines damaging much of the facility when they failed.

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